ARM Authoring Azure Log Analytics Azure Monitor

ARM – Connect Activity Logs From Multiple Subscriptions As Log Analytics Workspace Data Source

Recently I had a requirement to automatically configure Activity Logs from multiple subscriptions to send their logs to a Log Analytics workspace. I am talking about this setting here… There are many ways how to achieve this goal. If you are into PowerShell you could use this cmdlet New-AzureRMOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource  (I like the name ), this […]

ARM Azure Configuration Development OMS Troubleshooting

ARM Template – Deployment Error “[Subscription().SubscriptionId]” The request is invalid…

Recently I authored some ARM stuff in Visual Studio and I had a need for getting the current subscription ID the template is being deployed to.  So there is a helper function you can call like this… “subscriptionId”: “[subscription().subscriptionId]” I used it in the template like this… …but as soon I tried to deploy the […]