
SCOM 2012 SharePoint Dashboard – Part 1

For my setup I used the Share Point Foundation 2010 on my System Center Service Manager 2012 management server  where I also installed the self-service portal.

The following pre-requisites are needed:

  • The Operations Manager Web Console must be installed on a management server.
  • The SharePoint farm must be running SharePoint Server 2010 Standard, SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise, or SharePoint Foundation 2010.
  • Administrator permission  on the Share Point Server

Prepare SharePoint

On the install source you find two files

  • install-OperationsManager-DashboardViewer.ps1
  • Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.SharePointIntegration.wsp

Both files are located under [Source]\Setup\AMD64\SharePoint

Copy both files to your Share Point server e.g. c:\temp.

Execute the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell on you Share Point server. Be sure to run the shell as administrator.

Change the command prompt to the directory where you copied the two files

  • install-OperationsManager-DashboardViewer.ps1
  • Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement. SharePointIntegration.wsp

In my case it is c:\temp. Now you can execute the following command:

.\install-OperationsManager-DashboardViewer.ps1 c:\temp  http://localhost

The first parameter after the script is to specify where the web part file Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.SharePointIntegration.wsp is located. Since both files are in c:\temp this will be the directory. The second parameter is optional  and will specify a special portal or website. In my case I will use localhost and now hit enter.

Your output should look something similar like this…

If you can’t execute the script be sure to set the execution policy from PowerShell to unrestricted by executing the command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Activate the Web Part

Go to your site, in my case http://localhost go to “Site Actions” and choose “Site Settings”

Under “Site Collection Administration” click “Site Collection Features”

…and make sure to activate the “Operations Manager Dashboard Web Part”

Configure the Web Part

In the start menu go to “SharePoint 2010 Central Administration”

Choose “Site Actions” and click “View All Site Content”

Under “Lists” you should be able to see and click the “Operations Manager Web Console Environments”

Now you will see a link similar like here…

Choose “Edit Item” and enter your path to your web console on your SCOM 2012

Management Server. The default path is http://server.domain.com/OperationsManager/

Then hit “save”….

Insert the Web Part to a site

Go to a site where you want to place the Web Part, click “Site Actions” and choose

“Edit Page”

Go to “Insert” “Web Part”

Now you choose from the “Categories” “Microsoft System Center” and there appears under
“Web Parts” the “Operations Manager Dashboard View”

Then click “Add”…now you have inserted the “Web Part”

Next you have to select in the upper right corner of the Web Part the check mark and
select “Edit Web Part”

On the right side appears the configuration window for this Web Part. Choose the right
environment and very important you have to configure the dashboard link. How?
Just open the web console on your management server and select the dashboard of
your choice and copy/past the URI into the “Dashboard Link” field. Finally give it a meaning full title…

…the web console windows, where you can copy the URI from…

Then don’t forget to save it…

Voilà the dashboard will be available using Share Point.

There is just one problem, this can only be accessed by users who have an Operations
Manager user role, such as Operator or Administrator. In the guides it is
recommended to configure shared credentials, but this just works if you have a
full blown SharePoint server and it won’t work with the Foundation version.
There is another way to do it. Read my next post :).

15 Replies to “SCOM 2012 SharePoint Dashboard – Part 1

  1. Thank you for your article.
    I have the same environment – Sharepoint Fondation 2012 on the SCSM 2012 server and SCOM 2012 RTM (wich was upgraded from RC).
    But as a result I have a blank page without dashboard.
    Where I could make a mistake?

    1. Hi Oleg

      Did you verify that your account you are accessing the dashboard has also permissions in SCOM? E.g. is part of the SCOM Operator role?



  2. I cant’t seem t get my solution deployed to the relevant or any Web Application for that matter. Solution comes back as deployed ‘False’. When looking at Deployed Solutions in Central Administration console i see an error for the solution below.

    Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.SharePointIntegration solution.

    ERROR: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly Cache: AntiXssLibrary.dll.
    Same error is listed for all Servers in the farm it ws trying to deploy to. I dont want to manually unistall the solution from the GAC as i have no idea what it does.

    1. Hi

      I would try to unsinstall the web part and install it again.

      uninstall-OperationsManager-DashboardViewer.ps1 –solutionPath-url

      Did you try that?



  3. hi, I have a system with 4 servers, one server with service manager, the service manager server with 1 DW, 1 server with free portal service, SQL server. you must install the scom console on which server?
    thank you

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